About Ward Ministries

A passionate pursuit to see people
awakened and transformed

Who are
Kent & Liz

Kent and Liz have a vision to see the gospel preached, hearts awakened, and nations reformed. Together, they planted Overcomers Church International and founded Ward Ministries. They want to see people transformed by passionately bringing the Gospel into every generation in every way possible.

Matthew 28:19-20
Now wherever you go, make disciples of all nations baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age.

Why did we start Ward Ministries?

The Lord put a desire in us to take the gospel as far and wide as possible.

How are we taking the gospel further?

Weekly Live Broadcast

Every Saturday morning 9:00AM CST, we go live on Facebook and YouTube.

Weekly Podcasts

We provide a weekly podcast on marriage and family titled, "Family By Design." Available on all major podcast platforms.

Content Production

We produce books, audio teaching series, video teaching series, and social media value content.


We travel and minister in churches, Bible colleges, and miscellaneous speaking engagements.

Ministry Networking

We are big believers in building relationships with other ministers and ministries to help spread the gospel.

Kent and Liz are pastors at Overcomers Church International

Check out Overcomers Church International

Check It Out!

The Whole Ward Fam


Kent and Liz have been married for 18 years and have 4 sons. They have set high priority on relationship with God, family, and raising kingdom-minded children.

Kent Ward

Founder; The Dad

Kent loves to teach the gospel, knowing that it will change the lives of everyone who hears it.
Kent is a 2007 graduate of Charis Bible College of Colorado.

Liz Ward

Founder; The Mom

Liz's passion is the Word of God! She loves to see it effect her relationships, time, money, home, marriage and more. Although she is a full time stay at home mom, she graduated from Maryville University of St. Louis with a BSN, RN.

Kingston Ward

The Oldest; Tech Guy; Musician;

Kingston carries maturity and growth into everything media and worship.

Jonah Ward

Certified Class Clown

Jonah is creative and loves to share the joy and laughter of the Lord!

Elijah Ward

The Hunter-preneur

Elijah finds passion, inspiration and motivation through the great outdoors!

Lawson Ward

The Baby; Everyone's Favorite Ward

Lawson knows the truth of God and uses it in his daily life of creativity, fun and exploration.